Wherever you are in your journey to a GREENER life, find your week here
Welcome and Introduction: Post / Video
Week 1: Setting Greener Goals/ Certifications/ Greenwashing-Post/ Video
Week 2: Cleaning and Organizing-Post/ Video
Week 3: How to Organize and Improve Recycling at Home-Post/ Video
Week 4: Waste 101-The Waste Management Hierarchy Pyramid-Post/ Video
Week 5: Pre-cycling-Reduce Your Waste Before Buying-Post/ Video
Week 6: Are you Wish-cycling? Rules to Recycling- Post/ Video
Week 7: Do Take-out Containers Go In The Trash, Recycling or Compost?- Post/ Video
Week 8: Plastic Bag/Film/ Wrap Recycling-Post/ Video
Week 9: Reducing and Recycling Junk Mail-Post/ Video
Week 10: Household Hazardous Waste-Post/ Video
Week 11: Helping Pollinators This Spring-Post/ Video
Week 12: Compost Basics-Post/ Video
Week 13: Eco-friendly Easter-Post/ Video
Week 14: 5 Things You Can Do To Protect Migrating Birds-Post/ Video
Week 15: Why Light Pollution Matters and How You Can Help-Post/ Video
Week 16: Reusing and Up-cycling- Post/ Video
Week 17: How To Deal With Dandelions In Your Yard The Natural Way-Post/ Video
Week 18: Do You Have An Energy Efficient Home? – Post/ Video
Week 19: Simple Changes And Habits To Save Energy At Home- Post/ Video
Week 20: Easy Tips To Save Water Around The Home- Post/ Video
Week 21: 3 Ways You Can Help Out Important Pollinators- Post/ Video
Week 22: The Complete Sunscreen Guide- Post/ Video Part 1 / Video Part 2
Week 23: Eco-friendly Sunscreen Reviews- Post/ Video
Week 24: The Complete Guide to Mosquito Repellent- Post/ Video
Week 25: Mosquito Repellent Reviews- Post/ Video
Week 26: A Greener Way To Go Back To School- Post/ Video
Week 27: 6 Ways To Become An Eco-Volunteer- Post/ Video
Week 28: Is It Bad To Feed Wild Birds?- Post/ Video
Week 29: A Spooky and Sustainable Halloween- Post/ Video
Week 30: Leave the Leaves this Fall- Post/ Video
Week 31: Eco-friendly Dog Supplies-Post/ Video
Week 32: Eco-friendly Holiday Cards-Post/ Video
Week 33: Creating A Healthy Bedroom For a Good Nights Sleep- Post/ Video
Week 34: Which is the more eco friendly Christmas tree? Real or artificial?- Post/ Video
Week 35: Low-waste present wrapping- Post/ Video
Week 36: Healthy and Eco Friendly Yoga Mats- Post/ Video
Week 37: Eco Friendly Photo Printing and Photo Books-Post/ Video
Week 38:
Week 39:
Week 40:
Week 41:
Week 42:
Week 43:
Week 44:
Week 45:
Week 46:
Week 47:
Week 48:
Week 49:
Week 50:
Week 51:
Week 52: