About Me

Hey there!

My name is Amanda Drews (she/hers) and I’m a Minnesota mom of two trying to rock out a more sustainable life while still being realistic and doing what works for my family. I’m here to share the things I’ve tried and recommend (or don’t!) to make our household more eco-friendly and socially responsible.

I also want to do it in a positive way. Everyone is at a different place in their life and what is practical for one person, may not be for another person. Adulting is hard enough without people telling you your best intentions aren’t enough. If you have already read this far, you are AWESOME for taking the first steps!

Keep going! You can do this too!

I have a bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in psychology and have worked as a zookeeper and educator for almost my whole career. Recently, I’ve become a county master recycler/composter and a Minnesota master naturalist. I’m a fan of goals. Try every local wine (oh, and all the others), learn to juggle, travel as much as I can, and spend one year researching a topic a week to make my life greener. That’s the one I want to share with you all.

I’m not a doctor so please do not take anything I say as official medical advice. I’m also not a complete idiot (my husband might argue that one). I believe in science, looking at data and adjusting to it accordingly. Something you read on here may be completely different next year because THAT’S HOW SCIENCE WORKS.

We were given good, smart brains to make the world better in order to love our neighbors and be good stewards of the Earth. I want my family to be happy and healthy. I want the same for you and your family. I believe in the power of individuals to do good and collectively make a big impact in the world.

Amanda with her family (husband, son and daughter)

What I do

Amanda researches for A Greener Demeanor on her laptop while in a hammock

I research

…the crap. Out of everything I want to know anything about so you don’t have to do as much work. I keep track of my sources and seek reliable opinions when possible.

Amanda trying on a backpack at the store

I try out

…hundreds of products and methods geared towards more eco-friendly living. I’ve purchased the items myself and want to know what works best while being practical for my life.

woman teaching on a snorkeling excursion boat in hawaii
Oh wait, that’s my sister. She’s also a naturalist. Copycat.

I share what I’ve learned

… so you don’t have to try as many things as I did. I’ve put this information into a week by week format so it is easy to work into your life.