Waste 101: What you need to know about the waste in your home (Week 4)

Here’s an overview on waste management. Follow the Waste 101 series to learn the basics of dealing with waste. This background knowledge will help you make eco-friendly decisions. Amanda Drews Or watch the video HERE. In order to start living greener with the products we choose to buy, we...

Wherever you are in your journey to a GREENER life, find your week here

Welcome and Introduction: Post / Video Week 1: Setting Greener Goals/ Certifications/ Greenwashing-Post/ Video Week 2: Cleaning and Organizing-Post/ Video Week 3: How to Organize and Improve Recycling at Home-Post/ Video Week 4: Waste 101-The Waste Management Hierarchy Pyramid-Post/ Video Week 5: Pre-cycling-Reduce Your Waste Before Buying-Post/ Video Week...

Setting Greener Goals For A Sustainable New Year And Beyond (Week 1)

Amanda Drews , 13 minute read You’ve decided to take the first steps towards making greener goals for this year with the 52-Week Challenge. Hooray! Good for you. So what are your goals? Why are you trying to be greener? How will you know if you are making good,...

Precycling: How to reduce your waste before even buying an item (Week 5)

Amanda Drews, 5 minute read In this post we’ll discuss: What precycling is Precycling organization Alternatives to buying something new Keeping an eye out for greenwashing Choosing a company to buy from Considering the material an item is made out of Remembering the humans behind the item Don’t feel...

How To Organize And Improve Recycling At Home (Week 3)

Getting your items disposed of in the right place can be frustrating. Especially if you don’t have systems setup in your home that are easy to use, look good, and are understood by everyone in the household. By organizing waste systems, you can improve recycling at home. Here are...

Reuse and Up-cycling: How to get the most out of your items [Week 16]

You don’t have to be super creative to find ways to reuse or up-cycle items after they’ve fulfilled their purpose. But it does help. Amanda Drews, 7 minute read Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I may earn...